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Ruth - Parent

Helen is an excellent tutor and I fully recommend her. She is punctual and extremely reliable. Her lessons (even though she is just teaching one pupil) are planned to an incredibly high standard. Her work is 'child-led' and she intuitively knows what is needed for a teaching session in order that it be successful. Helen is kind and she is incredibly patient. She is able to see what many teachers cannot. She sees potential, she believes in the child and she gets the very, very best out of them.

Emily – Parent

I bring my 11yr old autistic son who has pathological demand avoidance to her house twice a week for maths lessons. She is the only tutor I have ever found (and I’ve been through quite a few) who has the patience, ability and understanding of his condition to be able to teach him. She is so brilliant with him and he really looks forward to his lessons with her. She teaches to his level and interests and is very child led, always positioning things just right so he doesn’t feel pressured or stressed but is at the same time challenged. I would highly recommend her.